PDUs and CDUs

SPL is a Charter Global Registered Education Provider (REP) with the Project Management Institute (PMI).
Charter means we were one of the first training companies in the world to recognize the value of working closely with PMI in improving individual and organizational project management capability.

All of our training classes provide either fundamental or advanced skill development to help you with your career, certification, or re-certification needs. As such they are all are eligible for earning PDUs and CDUs. Whether you’re looking for skill development in Project Management, Agile, Business Analysis, Leadership, or Change Management, we have what you need.

  • PDU's

    If you hold a certification from the Project Management Institute you are required to earn Professional Development Units (PDUs) every three years to maintain your certification. There are lots of ways to earn PDUs as explained on the PMI Website

  • PMI Talent Triangle™

    PMIPMI discovered that companies are requiring leadership and business intelligence skill development  — these are skills that support longer-range strategic objectives that go beyond the typical technical project management skills. As a result PMI recently updated the PDU re-certification requirements to include more emphasis on leadership and strategic skills as outlined in the PMI Talent Triangle™

  • CDU's

    If you hold a certification from the International Institute of Business Analysis you are required to earn Continuing Development Units (CDUs) every three years to maintain your certification. There are lots of ways to earn CDUs as explained on the IIBA website. Details on the requirements for re-certification can be found in the CBAP® Recertification Handbook

Want to know more about re-certification and how to earn PDUs/CDUs?

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